us election

An Environmental Policy Roundup of President Biden’s First Week Executive Actions

An Environmental Policy Roundup of President Biden’s First Week Executive Actions

With a series of executive orders, Biden’s early administrative moves seek to quickly reverse years of catastrophic Trump administration anti-environment, anti-science policy, and start making up for lost ground in advancing America’s environment and climate policy progress.

Justice Ginsburg's Death Deals Another Blow to U.S. Climate Law

Justice Ginsburg's Death Deals Another Blow to U.S. Climate Law

Justice Ginsburg’s death has reduced the liberal-leaning (and pro-climate) justices on the nine-member court to a minority of three. If a third Trump nominee is approved by the Senate (and this remains an open question), a conservative majority of six justices will be capable of radically stripping back the administrative state’s regulatory power over matters such as greenhouse gas emissions, health care, and labour law.